Face Treatments
Tone & Texture
Skin Lifting & Tightening Resurfacing
Pore Reductions
Acne & Scars
Stretch Marks
Wrinkle Reductions
Vaginal Treatment
Urinary Incontinence
Vaginal tightening
The true 100 watt high-powered CO₂fractional laser scanner delivers uniform and stable beam quality with a short pulse duration, while the superior ablative thermal effect induces resurfacing of the epidermis and regeneration of the dermis. The optimum beam size of 100 micrometers ensures optimal treatment outcomes by minimizing downtime and the risk of PIH(Post- inflammatory hyper-pigmentation).
provide more treatment options
Scan size: 1×1 – 20x20mm
Dot distance: 0.1 – 2.6mm
Makes it possible to deliver the deepest fractional ablative effect with less energy via a repetition stacking function (called “Spiral-stack”) by minimizing damage to surrounding tissue. It is mainly used for deep acne scars, burn scar and other depressed scars, enabling practitioners to offer optimal treatment for the indication and the patient’s tolerance of downtime.
The Precise surgical handpiece with multiple lens focal distance bring adjustable spot sizes enables quick, clean and precise incisions & tissue coagulation to effectively treat superficial lesions and provide more accurate treatment of warts.
Vaginal Rejuvenation for Ultimate Comfort and Confidence The GynaeLaser CO₂ fractional laser offers fast, safe and highly effective minimal invasive procedures for a broad variety of treatments for women. The GynaeLaser has a 90˚ reflecting mirror, which provides vertical delivery of the CO₂ laser beam onto the wall of the vagina for the remodeling of vaginal connective tissue via neoformation of collagen and elastic fibers, without causing any damage to surrounding tissue.